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Life At Lccm

Career Services

One-to-one careers advice

with our Careers and Industry Liaison Officer, available to students and alumni anytime between 9am-5pm from Monday to Friday

 talks, lectures and masterclasses

from pivotal industry professionals

In-house Artist Development and A&R

with a strong track record in this particular area, we can help you strategise and execute your Artist projects and releases, every step of the way

CV development, job applications and interview preparation

we work with you to make your application as strong as possible. We’re forward-thinking and understand every student is different – not everyone’s experience can be quantified on two sheets of A4.


Promoting work experience, employment opportunities and placements

we’ll always be in contact if we know there is something that is applicable to you.

Career days and weekly industry discussion workshops 

 focused events helping students tune-in to the industry and get ahead