At first, it sounded too random to be true – Ocean’s frankly disastrous and delayed headline set was supposed to involve… an ice rink? The plot thickened this week when an anonymous source broke that the singer’s performance would involve skating. Later, further sources said that an ice rink was ready to go but that Frank decided at the last minute he no longer wanted it. His team had reportedly spent months planning the stunt and cast over 100 skaters from local ice hockey teams who rehearsed the show for weeks – part of the hour-long delay in starting his set apparently came from having to melt the ice and reset the stage. As we know via our own sources at promoters Goldenvoice/AEG, to their immense fury, Ocean breached his contract and pulled the YouTube livestream 5 minutes before he took the stage. Now, brothers Dan and Chris Powers, hockey players and hosts of the Empty Netters podcast, have discussed their alleged involvement with Ocean’s scrapped stage production. Take a listen to their show for more, but a good example of how NOT to nail your headline set, right?